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A Beneteau 57 Sailing Yacht

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Thursday 25th November - Day 4

Made 204 miles today against the odds; best run of our division (Cruising B) with lots of excitement - actually make that too much! At about 0800 (during the shift change) the cruising chute parted from the snuffing bag at the mast head, and was under the boat and shredded in about 6 seconds - not enough time to release the sheet unfortunately. Had been flying it for 24 hours and it was giving us an edge (at least for 20 of the 24 hours). We were averaging 10 knots for most of the daylight hours. We then trashed 2 hours sorting ourselves out (including going in the opposite direction for about half an hour trying to get the chute (spinnaker) out from under the keel.
Wind now dropped to about 14 knots from behind, classic downwind trades giving us about 6 to 7 knolts currently. Hope the competition are getting similar!Over 2 days since we saw another boat and no chit-chat on the VHF - but the Atlantic is still in its beautiful mood - 3m rollers from the stern and the sea and sky a deep blue. One more fish hooked today but got away as we got it near the boat (again). Sighted many flying fish, a tern (Arctic, but a long way South?) and some sort of petrel.
Have looked at weather and route options and now going in search of stiffer breeze.
(This posting by Robert).


  1. Day Four in the Big Brother Boat....
    doesn't sound aburrido at all -too much heavy-duty snuffing etc for comfort! Thanks to Shaw for the technical stuff/snuff - Nicky and I only get 'we're fine, I'm fine, you fine?

    Can imagine the Atlantic on nightwatch - big seas, big starry skies (who/what's up there?), big dreams. Remember them...

    Landlubber supporters meeting in London tomorrow for F + M yadiya over lunch. Will be toasting Jasmina (and, in gaming spirit the trailing JasminE).

    Signing off the radar for a few days
    T xxxxxx
    (PS lotsa love to my husband xxxx)

  2. Dear Martin and friends - Greetings from Carlsbad, CA. Have the family gathered at the Thanksgiving table and want to send you electronic wafts and whiffs of turkey and fixings. Enjoy the sherry (cook with it).
    David and Helle, Nick and Gabby

  3. Hi Guys - Sounds like you need a GAFF for the fish on approach - alternatively if you shine bright torch on deck at night you will find flying fish will just jump on board - good to eat or as bait !


  4. Hi Rob and friends - watching the blog with great interest! it sounds awesome!! - my very best and warmest wishes to everyone on board - Sue Oddy from the MND Association

  5. It sounds like you are making good progress. Sitting here in the cold damp of a Lancashire November, I now wish that I had offered my services on the pretence that I would be medical cover for Rob! A veteran of several arduous crossings (including the overnight Portsmouth to St Malo), I'm sure I would have a found a role.

    Wishing you all the best.
