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A Beneteau 57 Sailing Yacht

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Tuesday 1st December - What a difference a day makes!

Monday night shift was going well tanking along at 9 to 10 knots with parasailor (spinnaker) but at 0330 Martin's dongle (a special sacrificial link to attach to the pole) parted and sent the p/s flying. We bagged it quickly and, we thought, successfully 9more later) and resorted to white sails (main and genoa). At dawn tried to goosewing (pole the genoa out on the other side to the main) and the mast fitting of the pole sheared off. The pole missed Andy's shiny head by inches!

So now minus the cruising chute and the spinnaker pole.

Weather turned cloudy and squally and wind veared ESE so headed South for better currents. Because weather unpredictable the loss of downwind sails may not be issue yet.

Had a good lunch so decide to hit the soup mountain (i think we have 64 cans!) and the team settled down to the first episode of the Wire on DVD. 3 of the crew nodded off (as the previous night took it's toll) but 1st Mate stayed the course (AP). Then in a downpour around midnight the pc got wet so delay in this blog due to drying time needed but putting it on the generator for an hour.

Decided to play the long game now (reluctantly!) and try to get their without wrecking any more kit. Hope we haven't lost out too badly to the others, particularly Baghira and Les Papillons (both Beneteau 57's) but we will see.

Many thanks to all of you adding comments, recently Jane, Jayne, Kilo, Peter, Ken and crew, Philip, Julian, Thea et al. Greatly enjoyed by the team here.

Skip. Andy will add recent events.

8am Wednesday

As reported earlier, the last 24hours has seen us suffer some serious setbacks so the mood on board has been one of quiet contemplation. Not now! Skip managed a total of 8 hours sleep last night and is bursting at the seams with renewed enthusiasm for taking these other boats on. His hardy crew stay quiet and wipe sleep from their eyes as they don their deck shoes and protective gloves for the tasks ahead. Unfortunately proper inspection of the parasailor shows a 150cm 'L' shape tear was made when she broke her fastenings. No problem - Skip, Mart and myself set about her with sail tape, needles and thread and within 3 hours she is repaired. Now hoisted with the main, we are making good speed ahead.

Results Time.

Every day at noon GMT all ARC boats are required to call in their positions. Great News. We are 1st in our class of 21, 5th out of the 155 boats in the cruising class and 18th overall in the whole of the fleet of 209. (these results do not allow for handicap correction but who cares!) Beers are around to celebrate - Rob enjoys a cigar.

12.30pm Now the sun is shining, the boat speed is good and all seems well with the world. As I sit in the cockpit writing this blog, I glance to the back of the boat and am presented with a scene reminicent of many a nature programme. Just like seals basking in the midday sun, Steve and Martin are in quiet competition for the most bronzed flesh and their toned, muscular, schwarzenesk bodies roll and twist with the movement of the boat. A sight to behold!

Phil alternates between chapters of his book and the tweaking of his fishing reel permanently positioned at the rear of the boat. Yesterdays fishing excitement led only to the landing of a sizeable plastic bag for Phil so after some general mickey-take and various photographes, lures have now been changed. Fish beware - Phil means business.

Rob is up on deck reading a book and generally looking very distinquished with a now 'full on ARC' beard. Only Rob and Steve are yet to succumb to the razor so are competeting for the honour of being Jasmina's first Santa Claus. Children beware!

The wind is dropping below 7 knots, the speed is too low, I've got to go.....

Love to all back home



  1. Hi Crew - Great to hear about all your adventures - I hope someone is keeping a diary - I feel a book coming on! - don't know if you listen to the news - it appears Tiger Woods has been ' knocking off ' some cock-tale waitress for the past 18 months and there has been some fur flying at home - the police have just interviewed his wife Elln and asked her how many times she hit him with a golf club - she replied lets call it a 5 !

    Great news about the fishing - Phil may have to to do the ARC every year as the catch much better than Scotland Visits ! - Anyway i want him to catch a Barracuda before the trip is out ! All the very best to you all Nick

  2. Hey Crew ...

    Love reading the blog everyday and hearing of all the adventures at sea.

    I have to admit on day 1 I had no idea of any sailing jargon or a clue as to what a spinnaker was?? However you will be pleased to hear I am now fully clued on the ins and outs of a boat and it's sails!

    Sounds like all is going well - big congratulations on your current position! Very proud of you all - big love to Daddy peck - were all missing you - Mummy Peck home at the weekend so sure will get in contact soon.

    Keep up the good work.

    Love George x

  3. Gear failure,torn sails, javelin flying spinnaker poles....now these are real sailing stories....no more washing machines and dvd bs.
    Top of the field, eh, keep up the good work.Philip

  4. http://piratesofsomalialive.com/

    Me hearties....you be headin' inta Blackbeard country.

  5. Woo-hoo! What a fab performance guys. So pleased you've had a chance to show us what this long-distance sailing lark is all about! You seem to be ticking off all those personality traits our children are using in their job applications - resourceful, resilient, positive, teamplayer, ambitious, sense of humour, seamstress (oops, maybe not that one!). On which subject, once back home, why not a wives' mutiny to relinquish tedious domestic tasks- laundry,sewing repairs,cooking fish supper and the like - now that you've mastered their art?
    Fielding lots of requests as to your progress and wellbeing - I just say you're havin' a ball! Am I right??
    Magical moonlit night again here (hope you too)but temperatures you can't imagine in your sunsoaked climes. Have even broken out the Christmas deccies....in readiness for the heroes' return.
    'Keep the aspidistra (and the p/s) flying' Luvin' y'all
    T xx

  6. As a seasoned land-lubber, most of the text is indecipherable, but it all sounds like excellent progress. 1st in class, and it isn't even a race. John

  7. Hey Captain Stu, Australia is watching or reading at least. Can we have web cam shot on youtube? (Joking) Interesting gear failures, designed to keep you on your toes i am sure. A lot of the engineering on larger boats is under designed generic hardware. Bring her to Sydney and we will redesign and rebuild her bits plus we can do the Sydney to Hobart in 2010.
    The Ferry Crew OZ downunder

  8. OUCH! I have been on a boat where a spinnaker pole shot through the cockpit. It was unbelievable at the time and we couldn't believe it missed everyone. So pleased to hear you are all OK.

    Great adventures, delighted to hear you are first in class - does that mean you will be breaking out the oars (sweeps?) if the wind dies..?!!

    Enjoy every second whilst it lasts!

    Very best wishes


  9. Hi Boys,
    You are doing fantastically well - no need to worry about parking when you arrive!
    All that tweeking, faffing and sail changing has obviously paid off.
    You look to be having a great time in between all the 'dramas'- Jasmina will be ready fo a re-fit by the time you arrive!
    Congratulations to Phil on his fishing expertise - he could certainly teach Mr. Lacey a thing or two!
    Look forward to hearing you have safely arrived.
    Love to all.
    Steve & Jane

  10. Hi Dad (Cabin Boy) and fellow sailor friends - sounds like you have it mastered perhaps you should continue past St. Lucia and sail all the way home (saves on the flight expenditures?) I will wait for you in Southampton December 2010 with a glass of champayne - only joking! Love reading your daily blogs - Dad when are you going to submit one or have you forgotten how to write since retirement??! Hope you catch a shark in the next few days then maybe that will give you that extra bit of power to steam over the finishing line (just a thought). Also please shave your beard before you get home CB or Mom may just not be here to greet you haha- keep smiling you are nearly there and make the most of the sunshine because you aint gona see any back in England.... Lots of Love Kimxx
